Media Mix-Up #6 - Part 2: Television’s Revenge
Sometimes the best decision is to sit quietly and watch TV until they leave. Now quiet down.
Welcome back to TV Land! #NickAtNite
In addition to the movies I watched, there are lots of television shows I'd love to talk about. I understand those with impressive home systems have made a personal decision to never spend time at a movie theater, and many say television quality has surpassed cinema quality. To that, I say... maybe? Regardless, some of my hottest television shows have been animated, but a few have had a great deal of human-on-human violence. That’s good for us!
Track #6: Invincible Fight Girl: If you possess the twin loves of anime and wrestling, this show is for you.
Kick! Punch! It’s all in the mind…
Invincible Fight Girl is about a girl named Andy raised on Accountant Island with her parents and goes to school to be an accountant like them. Andy hates this. She wants to be a wrestler instead. Once as a wee babe, Andy’s parents took her to a wrestling match where she saw the wrestler Quesa Poblana who amazed Andy so much, that she wanted to be just like her. Andy was down to train alone in every free moment to give herself a chance at living the epic life of a wrestler. This is very different business than accounting so Andy does not want to tell them about it.
In Andy's world, wrestling is EVERYTHING. Wrestlers are the coolest. Wrestlers can do what they want. Most importantly, wrestling is real life. All the super moves and beatings are real, but Andy doesn't care. She's going to fight every man, woman, and non-binary person until she is the best wrestler the world has ever seen just like CM Punk.
Unfortunately... Andy is just starting off as a plucky youngster. She doesn't have the skills to be one of the best yet. Still, come hell or high water, Andy is going make it with a little help from her friends Craig the scammer, and Mikey the wrestling journalist who she meets along the way.
Personally, I think Invincible Fight Girl is incredible and you should watch it no matter what you think is more important because it is not! Be like Andy (and me) and make this show your life.
All 10 episodes of season one are out now.
TRACK #7: Creature Commandos: Another DC James Gunn show about monsters forced to work for Amanda Waller.
Were Frankenstein’s monster real, he’d tell her to Start Wearing Purple like that Gogol Bordello song.
Creature Commandos is hot. Monsters from all over the DC Universe replace those jamokes from Task Force X because Waller’s bosses decreed that she can't use humans anymore. Unfortunately, Amanda Waller has a world to keep safe so she's collected a group of "monsters" because no one would stop her from using these disenfranchised creations. Her new team includes characters like:
The Bride
The woman Doctor Frankenstein created to be the wife of the man he gave life to whom we call Frankenstein. The big big monster man that lives forever just like his "bride" does.
Dr. Phospherous
He is a being made completely of fire. He looks like a skeleton. He has no problem ending the lives of anyone that messes with him. Doctor Phosphorous is a straight-up monster.
A sort of creature that reminds me of Vermin from Spider-Man with less of a personality. Looks ridiculous and does not speak human language. Has the saddest origin I've ever seen.
Nina Mizursky
Nina is a fish lady. Similar to the Amphibious Man from The Shape of Water only Nina can talk and is not much of a killer. That’s not good for her in a show like Creature Commandos
G.I. Robot
A robot created to serve in World War II and is only interested in killing Nazis like Brad Pitt in Inglorious Bastards.
All of these characters are led by Rick Flag Sr., the father of a previous leader Rick Flag Jr. Honestly, I think Amanda Waller has several Flag clones, but what do I know? Anyway, this show has shown a few episodes so far and is fantastic. They should let James Gunn run the whole DC Universe movies and all...
Haha, no I’m kidding. He already has that job and got it after Marvel fired him for a day.
Track #8: Warrior: A show about what happens when the cops, the Irish, and the Chinese get drunk and battle over jobs and everything else.
On this show, heroes are for suckas.
This show isn't animated, but it is based around some historic misery. Based on the writings of Bruce Lee (as it says in the opening), in the late 1800s, Ah Sahm traveled "across the salt" to San Francisco to find his sister who used to be married to a Chinese warlord who was not very nice to her. Ah Sahm is immediately bought and sold to a tong or a "group of Chinese thugs" because of how well he can "scrap."
You follow everyone from Ah Sahm the fighter to Ah Toy the brothel impresario, the white Mayor, his wife who was forced to marry him by her industrialist father who wants to build railroads, and of course, the understaffed cops who want all the Chinese out of California. The cops kind of suck and often put the wrong people in prison kind of like police do today.
This show came out back in 2019, so if you watched all three seasons you know how good it was. If it was on your list, give it a shot. I think you might like it.
Track 9: The Brothers Sun: This was so much fun to watch.
Hello Queen Yeoh. How are you today?
The Brothers Sun is about two brothers who don't know each other. They only meet after their dad is attacked by the Triad (another name for a gang of Chinese thugs). Dad tells his son Charles (Justin Chien) to "protect the family" which forces him to LA to find his brother Bruce (Sam Song Li) and his mother who is played by Michelle Yeoh. Ms. Yeoh's involvement should be enough to let you know you should watch it. From Supercop to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, to Star Trek Discovery, to Everything Everywhere All At Once there is nothing more to do than trust this woman’s taste. We must watch everything she chooses to make.
Charles finally makes his way to Michelle Yeoh’s house where Bruce lives and there are a myriad of asses that need kicking on the way. It’s nice to watch these guys bond so well despite the fact that neither knew the other one existed… until this caused a problem. At one point things get so bad they have no choice but to mend fences and trust each other once more.
Most importantly, this show has Jenny Yang in it. Long ago I saw her do comedy one night in Austin. She's a great comedian who plays a pretty good bruiser on television as her role in The Brothers Sun will show.
Track 10: The Righteous Gemstones: Holy shit! What religious program am I watching here?
So righteous. So wealthy.
The Righteous Gemstones is a show about preachers. Angry preachers. Sad preachers. Vicious preachers. As well as the Preachers’ families and all the things they've bought with the money tithed to them by their adherents. From the very first episode, you can see how bananas this show is... and how violent. Like... it's not THAT violent, but there's nothing like watching a man of God pull out a pistol to protect his church and make the assailants run naked through a mall.
The Righteous Gemstones is pretty wild. It came out on HBO in 2019. It also has all of our favorite actors. John Goodman, Danny McBride, Walton Goggins, and that kid from Workaholics and Pitch Perfect (I know his name is Adam DeVine, so shh). Like most of Danny McBride's shows, it contains an almost Curb Your Enthusiasm level of discomfort. I almost feel gross watching Christians act this way, but then I remember I once went to Liberty University and I started to understand.
Media Mix-Up #6 - Part 2: Television’s Revenge COMPLETE
It’s a painting of moi. And the artist, Greta, is exceptionally talented.
Thank you once again for stopping by and checking out my opinion on shows I think you should watch. If you check out one you haven't seen before, I'll feel I've done my job. I didn't bring up the second season of My Adventures With Superman but it was as fun as the first because Supergirl shows up. I also didn’t bring up Dragon’s Dogma 2, but I love that Dogma and it sucks up my time like a cosmic anteater.
I know we all have different tastes, but we can find common ground on a lot of what is out right now. I think we should avoid internet arguments and enjoy whatever we like. I'll catch you guys next time.
There are video versions of my reviews on TikTok and Instagram now!
Also, check out my musical legacy with Mike Dynamo & Supercrime, and as always:
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